Mari Al-Ali


Bamazon App

ES6 + Inquirer + API

The app consist of two programs.

  • bamazonCustomer.js
  • bamazonMeneger.js


bamazonCustomer.js is a program which helps a user (customer) buy goods.

How it works

  • The app shows a list of the available products.
  • And offers the customer to buy listed goods.
  • User can pick up the product by ID. And then they may choose how many units they want to buy.
  • In the end, the app shows user's order.


The program lists a set of menu options:

1. View Products for Sale

If a user selects View Products for Sale, the app should list every available item: the item IDs, names, prices, and quantities.

2. View Low Inventory

If a user selects View Low Inventory, then it should list all items with an inventory count lower than five.

3. Add to Inventory

If a user selects Add to Inventory, your app should display a prompt that will let the user "add more" of any item currently in the store.

5. Add New Product

If a user selects Add New Product, it should allow the user to add a completely new product to the store.